# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- '''Code to construct database from Chapter 19 of Teach Yourself Python in 24 Hours by Katie Cunningham''' import sqlite3 error = None conn = sqlite3.connect('videoGames.db') cursor = conn.cursor() #create games table sqlCreate = '''CREATE TABLE games (title text, rating text, system text, year int)''' try: cursor.execute(sqlCreate) except sqlite3.OperationalError as e: error = e #add data, if database doesn't already exist if not error: print "Successfully created database...populating table" gameDataAll=[('Tales of the Abyss', 'T', '3DS', 2011), ('Adventure Time', 'E10+', '3DS', 2012), ('Hollywood Crimes', 'T', '3DS', 2011), ('Forza Motorsport 4', 'E', '360', 2011), ('Sonic Generations', 'E', '360', 2011), ('Forza Horizon', 'T', '360', 2012), ('ZhuZhu Pets', 'E', 'Wii', 2012)]; for gameData in gameDataAll: print gameData sqlAdd = '''INSERT INTO games (title, rating, system, year) VALUES (:title, :rating, :system, :year)''' cursor.execute(sqlAdd, {'title': gameData[0], 'rating': gameData[1], 'system': gameData[2], 'year':gameData[3]}) conn.commit() #commit changes otherwise they will not be saved else: print "Didn't create database because", error sqlShow = '''SELECT * FROM games''' selectResults = cursor.execute(sqlShow) allGames = selectResults.fetchall() print "\nThe games table contains the following rows:" for game in allGames: print game #close shop cursor.close() conn.close()
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
Database from Ch 19 of Teach Yourself Python
Teach Yourself Python is a really good introduction to Python--my favorite out of the three introductory books I own. Chapter 19, on using databases, references a video game database. I couldn't find the database online, so below is the code I used to make it.
Code highlighting done at highlight.me.