Some good online reading:
*Darwin: an online exhibit from the American Museum of Natural History.
*15 Evolution Gems: beautiful piece put together by Nature discussing 15 papers published in their journals that provide striking examples of evolutionary thinking. Unfortunately no figures.
*Evolution 101: A nice introductory course put together at Berkeley.
Good books:
*Frogs, flies, and dandelions: a book that focuses on what we know, and don't know, about speciation.
*How and why species multiply: a great book on speciation using Darwin's finches as a case study. Written by two monsters in the field.
*Evolution of Nervous Systems: an amazing four-volume set edited by Kaas. Too expensive to buy, but you should be able to find chapters online through your library. Check this link to see if you have access from your IP address.
*Endless forms most beautiful: a wonderful introduction to the hot new science of evo-devo (evolutionary developmental biology).

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